
John Bunyan – ‘The Pilgrim ‘s Progress from This World to that Which is to Come delivered under the Similitude of a Dream’. Mid- 19th century version.(first edition was printed 1678). Caption reads: ‘The Pilgrim at the Gate’ (gate reads: Knock and It shall be Opened unto you’. JB: 28 November 1628 – 31 August 1688. English religious writer, preacher, theologian, poet. (Photo by Culture Club/Getty Images) *** Local Caption ***

Gizem Karatepe

Bana bu kimliği yaz deseniz, birinci tekille yazılmış sıkıcı bir durum öyküsü yazarım. Anlat deseniz, anlatamam.


Gizem Karatepe

Bana bu kimliği yaz deseniz, birinci tekille yazılmış sıkıcı bir durum öyküsü yazarım. Anlat deseniz, anlatamam.

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